¡Welcome to the Ethnography Atelier! If this is your first time here, or you simply want to make the most out of our resources, you're in the right place.
We have put together a list of our workshop videos, podcasts, and posts—by theme—so you can consult them according to your needs and interests. Please know that this list will continue to grow and be updated as we organize and add more content.
* As some of our guests touch on two or more aspects of qualitative research, you might see the same resource listed in different sections.
¡Enjoy! And please recommend these resources to your colleagues and students.
Table of contents
1. Qualitative Research Methods
[Video] “From What Happened, To What Happens: Microhistorical Analysis in Management Research” with Andrew Hargadon and Daniel Wadhwani
[Listen] “Episode 12 - Stine Grodal: Archival Methods”, Stine explores the promises and challenges of archival research.
[Listen] “Episode 8 - Pinar Ozcan: Comparative Case Method”, Pinar discusses the comparative case method as developed by Kathleen Eisenhardt.
[Listen] “Episode 3 - Aruna Ranganathan: Full-Cycle Approach”, Aruna discusses her experience using a full-cycle approach to mixed methods and shares tips on how to cross the qualitative/quantitative divide in empirical research.
[Listen] “Episode 2 - Susan Silbey: Team Ethnography”, Susan elaborates on the benefits of a team approach to ethnography, the reasons which lead her to adopt it in a multi-year study of the implementation of safety regulations in scientific labs, and the lessons she learned from this experience.
[Listen] “Episode 1 - Santi Furnari: Qualitative Comparative Analysis”, Santi discusses his experience using fuzzy-set/ Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA).
[Video] “The Magic of Making Mistakes” with Mark Zbaracki
2. Data Collection
2.1 Ethnographic fieldwork
[Listen] "Episode 17 - Michel Anteby: Access as Data", Michel discusses access. In particular, the resistance that field workers may face and how such a process may, in reality, offer invaluable insights into the social world being studied.
[Video] “Observant Participation: Roles, Risks, Rewards” with Ashley Mears, Josh Seim, and Pat Reilly
[Listen] “Episode 2 - Susan Silbey: Team Ethnography”, Susan elaborates on the benefits of a team approach to ethnography, the reasons which lead her to adopt it in a multi-year study of the implementation of safety regulations in scientific labs, and the lessons she learned from this experience.
[Listen] “Episode 13 - Christine Beckman and Melissa Mazmanian: Research in Intimate Spaces”, Christine and Melissa tell us about the promises and challenges involved in conducting research in intimate spaces, such as in people’s homes, instead of the workplace
[Listen] “Episode 10 - Diane Bailey: Work and interdependence in technical settings”, Diane discusses her ethnographic research on work and interdependence in technical settings.
[Listen] "Episode 18 - Anna Kim: Researching Resource-Constrained Settings with Respect" Anna discusses doing fieldwork in settings and populations with low economic resources in ways that declutter our cultural assumptions and appreciate them in their own terms, or closer to that, thus potentially generating more appropriate and impactful insights.
[Listen] “Episode 9 - Steve Barley: Ethnography of Technical Work and Occupations”, Steve shares his experience in managing collective ethnographic projects and his forecast of future themes in the study of work, technology, and organizations.
[Listen] “Episode 6 - Sarah Sachs: Studying Algorithms Ethnographically”, Sarah explores the challenges involved in studying algorithms at work. Her research examines how data analytic technologies are reconfiguring work and organizations.
[Listen] “Episode 5 - Gretta Corporaal: Studying Online and Offline Work”, Gretta reflects on some tactics to study work which today is increasingly happening online and geographically distributed, and the importance of in-depth qualitative research on digital technologies and AI.
[Listen] “Episode 4 - Nevena Radoynovska: Researching Vulnerable Populations”, Nevena discusses her research in the French quartiers prioritaires — government-designated disadvantaged neighborhoods with disproportionately high rates of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. She reflects on her effort to tell the stories of informants without reinforcing stereotypes while also respecting their particularities.
2.2 Interviews
[Video] "Two Heads are Better Than One: The Magic of Collaboration in Conducting and Analyzing Interviews", Erin Reid and Lakshmi Ramarajan
2.3 Diaries
[Video] “Intersecting Methods: Amplifying Participant Reflexivity by Combining Diaries and Interviews” with Melissa Mazmanian, Ingrid Erickson, Margaret Jack, and Charis Asante-Agyei
[Read] “A Pandemic Proxy for Accessing the Quotidian” by Melissa Mazmanian, Ingrid Erickson, Margaret Jack, and Charis Asante-Agyei
[Listen] “Episode 16 - Madeleine Rauch: Diary Methods", Madeleine tells us about the use of unsolicited diaries for research in organization and management.
2.4 Digital and virtual ethnography
[Listen] “Episode 15 - Angèle Christin: Researching Influencers and Social Media Platforms” a conversation with Angèle based on her digital ethnography on the algorithmic labor of influencers and influencer marketing on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok
[Listen] “Episode 7 - Siobhan O'Mahony: Digital Ethnography”, Siobhan’s work explores how technical and creative communities organize for innovation.
[Read] “Locked-down and locked-out: adapting a hybrid organisational ethnography during and post-covid-19” by Katherine Parsons
[Read] “Observing and admiring from afar: ethnography in the times of the covid-19 pandemic” by Karthik Rapaka
[Read] “In vivo conceptualisation through in situ communication in virtual ethnographies” by Mustafa Kavas , Elisabeth Krull, Paula Jarzabkowski, Konstantinos Chalkias
3. Data Analysis
3.1 General
[Video] “Moving from data to analysis to manuscript” with Sarah Kaplan
[Video] "Cultivating Discovery in Our Theorizing" with Karen Golden-Biddle
3.2 Various approaches to analyzing data
[Video] “Doing Domain Analysis” with Martha Feldman and Kathrin Sele
[Video] “Process Research Methods” with Hans Berends
[Listen] “Episode 11 - Renate Meyer: Visual Data and Methods”, Renate reflects on the value of visual data for gaining unique research insights and the theoretical basis of such an approach.
[Listen] “Episode 8 - Pinar Ozcan: Comparative Case Method”, Pinar discusses the comparative case method as developed by Kathleen Eisenhardt. She also touches on some of the challenges of analyzing data across multiple cases and becoming an inductive researcher.
[Listen] “Episode 3 - Aruna Ranganathan: Full-Cycle Approach”, Aruna discusses her experience using a full-cycle approach to mixed methods and shares tips on how to cross the qualitative/quantitative divide in empirical research.
[Listen] “Episode 1 - Santi Furnari: Qualitative Comparative Analysis”, Santi discusses his experience using fuzzy-set/ Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fs/QCA).
[Video] "Two Heads are Better Than One: The Magic of Collaboration in Conducting and Analyzing Interviews", Erin Reid and Lakshmi Ramarajan
4. Academic Writing
[Video] “Craft & quality in academic writing” with Ninna Meier
[See slides] “Writing and reflexivity: A way forward to better and more productive writing in academia” with Charlotte Cloutier
See Charlotte’s blog
[Video] “Writing a monograph dissertation in a business school” with Eliana Crosina, Julia DiBenigno, and Madeline Toubiana
[Video] “Writing a Review Article: Conversation with Authors and Editor” with Marya Besharov, Giada Baldessarelli, and Pedro Monteiro
5. General Resources and Reflections on Doing Research and Being a Scholar
[Video] “Translating the field: qualitative research across languages” with Maria Do Mar Pareira
Also: [Read] “From "lost in translation" to "found in translation” by Evelijn Martinius
[Video] “The Art of Reviewing: Constructing Constructive Reviews” with Lisa E. Cohen
Also: [Read] “Behind the scenes of constructive reviewing” by Audrey Holm
[Video] "Teaching Qualitative Methods" with Kim Elsbach, Davide Nicolini, and Susan Silbey
6. "The Study of...": a Collection of Research Talks that Shows How Researchers Employ Various Methods to Learn About Particular Social Phenomena
[Listen] “Episode 15 - Angèle Christin: Researching Influencers and Social Media Platforms” a conversation with Angèle based on her digital ethnography on the algorithmic labor of influencers and influencer marketing on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
[Listen] “Episode 14 - Anissa Pomiès: Researching Materiality” a conversation with Anissa about methodological opportunities and challenges of studying materiality, the things that are pervasive in life but have been for long-time eluding researchers.
[Listen] “Episode 13 - Christine Beckman and Melissa Mazmanian: Research in Intimate Spaces”, Christine and Melissa tell us about the promises and challenges involved in conducting research in intimate spaces, such as in people’s homes, instead of the workplace.
[Listen] “Episode 10 - Diane Bailey: Work and interdependence in technical settings”, Diane discusses her ethnographic research on work and interdependence in technical settings.
[Listen] “Episode 9 - Steve Barley: Ethnography of Technical Work and Occupations”, Steve shares his experience in managing collective ethnographic projects and his forecast of future themes in the study of work, technology, and organizations.
[Listen] “Episode 6 - Sarah Sachs: Studying Algorithms Ethnographically”, Sarah explores the challenges involved in studying algorithms at work. Her research examines how data analytic technologies are reconfiguring work and organizations.
[Listen] “Episode 5 - Gretta Corporaal: Studying Online and Offline Work”, Gretta reflects on some tactics to study work which today is increasingly happening online and geographically distributed, and the importance of in-depth qualitative research on digital technologies and AI
[Listen] “Episode 4 - Nevena Radoynovska: Researching Vulnerable Populations”, Nevena discusses her research in the French quartiers prioritaires — government-designated disadvantaged neighborhoods with disproportionately high rates of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. She reflects on her effort to tell the stories of informants without reinforcing stereotypes while also respecting their particularities.
[Video] "Conducting research with vulnerable populations" with Trish Ruebottom and Madeline Toubiana
[Listen] "Episode 18 - Anna Kim: Researching Resource-Constrained Settings with Respect" Anna discusses doing fieldwork in settings and populations with low economic resources in ways that declutter our cultural assumptions and appreciate them in their own terms, or closer to that, thus potentially generating more appropriate and impactful insights.
* We thank our guests for contributing with such rich and high quality content. We welcome suggestions for seminars, workshops, and podcasts. Please note that we plan well ahead and we are a team of volunteers, so it might take time before we can incorporate any ideas. In organizing our activities, we strive to follow our ethos, treasure diversity, and be inclusive of various approaches and profiles.