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Research Seminar Series

Seminars feature cutting-edge work by qualitative researchers around the world. Join our mailing list or follow us on LinkedIn or Bluesky for updates on new episodes. 

We welcome suggestions for seminars! Please note that we plan well ahead and we are a team of volunteers, so it might take time before we can incorporate any ideas.  In organizing our activities, we strive to follow our ethos, treasure diversity, and be inclusive of various approaches and profiles. 

2024/2025 Program

Please sign up by clicking on each event

Past events


7 May 2024, 9.30am EST / 3:30pm CET, The Interloper: Lessons from Resistance in the Field, Michel Anteby (Boston University)

2 April 2024, 15:30 - 17:00 CEST / 9:30 - 11:00 EDT, Catching A.I. Lightning in a Bottle: A Localized and Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Self-regulation around Emergent Technologies, Giulia Cappellaro (Bocconi University)


5 March 2024, 15:30 - 17:00 CET / 9:30 - 11:00 EST, A case study on using a systems psychodynamic approach to ethnographic field work, Jennifer Petriglieri (INSEAD) 

6 February 2024, 15:30 - 17:00 CET / 9:30 - 11:00 EST, Morality and Reputation: Recursive Legitimation of Social Ventures in Resource-Constrained Contexts, Rebecca Namatovu (Copenhagen Business School)

7 November 2023, 15:30 - 17:00 CET / 9:30 - 11:00 EST, Cui Bono? Organizational Legitimacy and Social Impact in Corporate-Community Relations in KenyaAnna Kim (McGill University)

3 October 2023, 15:30 - 17:00 CEST / 9:30 - 11:00 EDT, The Politics of Progress: How Fields Process Change and Determine Its Meaning, Cameron McAlpine (Ivey Business School)


5 September 2023, 15:30 - 17:00 CEST / 9:30 - 11:00 EDT, Even Better than the Real Thing”?: Electronic Organs and the Paradox of Imitative Technology Products, Andrew Nelson (University of Oregon)


30 May 2023, 15 - 16.30, Racialized Expertise: The Consequences of Perceiving and Presenting Workers’ Ethnoracial Background as a Type of Expertise, Sandra Portocarrero (Columbia Business School)


11 April 2023, 15 - 16.30, Relational projectivity in impossible mandates: the case of reentry counselors in the United StatesAudrey Holm (HEC Paris)


14 March 2023, 15 - 16.30, One Drop of Water in a River: How Organizations Identify Global Issues, Haitao Yu (IESEG School of Management)


4 February 2023, 15 - 16.30, The dynamics of structuring and silencing: how audibility enacts asymmetrical power relations in online meetings, Blagoy Blagoev (Technical University Dresden), Lena Rieck (Technical University Dresden), Boukje Cnossen (Leuphana University Lüneburg)


13 December 2022, 15 - 16.30, Hybrid auction sales of fine art and antiques: The role of auctioneers as frontline workers in digital transformation through sociomaterial practices, Sylvaine Tuncer (King’s Business School, King’s College)


8 November 2022, 15 - 16.30, Crooked Teams: Coordination for Deviant Purposes, Marlys Christianson (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto)


11 October 2022, 15 - 16.30, Maintaining the Institutional Order throughout a Crisis: Reconstructions of Place, Time and Emotions in Israeli High-Tech 2001-4, Tammar B. Zilber (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


13 September 2022, 15 - 16.30, Ethnographic action research: Learning about changing industry cultures from the ground up, John Paul Stephens (Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University)


31 May 2022, 14 - 15.30, Paradoxes of protection: When responses to disaster sit between markets and society, Paula Jarzabkowski (Professor in Strategy, University of Queensland & City, University of London), Rebecca Bednarek (Victoria University, Wellington), Eugenia Cacciatori (City, University of London), Konstantinos Chalkias (Birkbeck, University of London).


3 May 2022, 15 - 16.30, Sustaining Complex Collaboration, Pedro Monteiro (Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School)


5 April 2022, 15 - 16.30, From Knowledge Mediators to Disenchantment with Big Data Analytics, Elina Mäkinen (Associate Professor, Tampere University)


1 March 2022, 15 - 16.30, Mission invisible? Managing inter-organizational collaboration boundariesEvelijn Martinius (PhD Candidate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


1 February 2022, 17 - 18.30, From Dreams of the Overworked To Time Cascades for the Ideal Worker, Christine Beckman (The Price Family Chair in Social Innovation and Professor of Public Policy, University of Southern California), Melissa Mazmanian (Professor and Chair of the Department of Informatics, and Professor of Organization and Management, University of California, Irvine)


11 January 2022, 15 - 16.30, Learning to Labor Like a Hard-working ImmigrantMichel Anteby (Professor of Management and Organizations, Questrom School of Business, Boston University)


7 December 2021, 15 - 16.30, Meaning, Mission, and Measurement: How Organizational Performance Measurement Shapes Perceptions of Work as Worthy, Marya Besharov (Professor of Organisations and Impact, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)


2 November 2021, 15 - 16.30 Connecting actions and creating recognizability in routines, Giada Baldessarelli (Research Fellow, Imperial College Business School), Scott Turner (Associate Professor, University of South Carolina)


5 October 2021, 15 - 16.30, A multi-sited team ethnography of "Financially redesigning the Anthropocene", Katharina Dittrich (Associate Professor, Warwick Business School), Julius Kob (Postdoctoral Researcher, Warwick Business School)


7 September 2021, 15 - 16.30, Front-line Professionals in the Wake of Public ScrutinyArvind Karunakaran (Assistant Professor, McGill University)


25 May 2021, 15 - 16.30, The political is also personal: responsibilization in a voluntary organization, Samantha Ortiz Casillas (PhD Candidate, emlyon business school)


9 March 2021, 12 - 13.30, 'Plants in the Office': Internal Regulatory Agents and Interaction Orders of Organizational Compliance, Kartikeya Bajpai (Assistant Professor, emlyon business school)


8 December 2020, 12 - 13.30, The strength of backlash: collective identity in fragmented mass movements, Lisa Buchter (Assistant Professor, emlyon business school), Elise Lobbedez (PhD Student, emlyon business school)


3 November 2020, 12 - 13.30, Category formation in the vicinity of a stigmatized product category: The case of e-cigarettes, Thinley Tharchen (Assistant Professor, emlyon business school)


6 October 2020, 12 - 13.30, Rising Every Time We Fall: Organizational Resilience in a Family Business Setting, Célina Smith (Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship, emlyon business school)


15 September 2020, 12 - 13.30, Experts and machines: How economists produce inferences and verify their diagnosis through the episodes of interaction with a simulation model, Pauli Pakarinen (Postdoctoral Researcher, emlyon business school)



20 February 2020, 12 - 13.30, General Deterrence of Systemic International Misconduct: How Swiss Banks’ Territoriality Beliefs Shaped their Responses to U.S. Government’s Claims of Legal Authority, Florian Überbacher (Senior Researcher and Lecturer, University of Zurich)


16 January 2020, 12 - 13.30, Governing Professional Practice: Expertise Voids, Evaluative Experts and Professional AutonomyRuthanne Huising (Professor of Management and Organizations, emlyon business school)


21 November 2019, 12 - 13.30, “Platformification” of Banking: Strategy and challenges of challenger versus incumbent banks in response to regulatory change in EuropePinar Ozcan (Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Saïd Business School, Oxford University)


3 October 2019, 12 - 13.30, What Kind of Village Fosters Entrepreneurial New Venture Development?Siobhan O’Mahony (Feld Family Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Professor, Strategy and Innovation, Boston University Questrom School of Business)



2 May 2019, 12 - 13.30, Emergence of Improvisation through Human-Technology Entanglement on a Shop FloorMarjolaine Rostain (PhD Candidate, emlyon business school)


28 March 2019, 12 - 13.30, Bureaucratizing Knowledge, Work & Knowledge Work: How Formal Organization Structures and Regulates Work in Aeronautical Product DevelopmentPedro Monteiro (Postdoctoral Fellow, emlyon business school)


31 January 2019, 12 - 13.30, Varieties of Entrepreneurship: Social Change Through Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Disadvantaged Communities, Nevena Radoynovska (Assistant Professor, emlyon business school)


22 November 2018, 12 - 13.30, Leading by Doing: How Female Supervisors Motivate Worker Productivity through Subordinate Scut Work, Aruna Ranganathan (Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford Graduate School of Business)


8 November 2018, 12 - 13.30, Narrating Social Structure, Susan Silbey (Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T.)


20 September 2018, 12.30 – 14, Unpacking Institutional Politics on the Ground: Power and Institutional Logics in the Creation of Chicago’s Millennium Park, Santi Furnari (Associate Professor (Reader) in Strategy, Cass Business School, University of London)



14 June 2018, 12 - 13.30, Publishing Qualitative Research in Top Journals, Jean Clarke (Professor of Entrepreneurship and Organization, emlyon business school) and Ruthanne Huising (Professor of Management and Organizations, emlyon business school)


24 May 2018, 12 - 13.30, The Low-Power Trifecta: Unlocking the ‘Power’ of Low-Power Actors through IT-enabled Open Strategy FormulationMatt Mount (Assistant Professor of Strategy and Innovation, Deakin Business School), Tyrone Pitsis (Professor of Strategy and Organization Studies, Leeds University Business School)


5 April 2018, 12 - 13.30, Problematization, Creation, and Circulation of Frames: A flat Theorization of Niche Market Emergence, Anissa Pomies (Assistant Professor of Marketing, emlyon business school)


25 January 2018, 12 - 13.30, Coordination, Sociomateriality, and Robot -Assisted SurgeryJon Hindmarsh (Professor of Work and Interaction, Kings College London, Visiting Professor, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds)


14 December 2017, 12 - 13.30, The Spectre of Testimony: Forensic Scientists as Advocates for the Evidence, Beth Bechky (Jacob B. Melnick Term Professor, Professor of Management and Organizations, Professor of Sociology, Stern School of Business, New York University)


9 November 2017, 12 - 13.30, Running to Stand Still: Status and the Geographic Division of LaborSean Safford (Associate Professor, Director, Master of Public Affairs, Science Po, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations)


19 October 2017, 12 - 13.30, Acceleration as Mitigation: Whether and when Process Solutions can Address Gender Bias in EntrepreneurshipSarah Kaplan (Director, Institute for Gender and the Economy, Distinguished Professor of Gender and the Economy, Professor of Strategic Management, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto)

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